
Our Organisation

We are a living manifestation of nature’s wisdom, dedicated to spreading the art of forest bathing worldwide. Join us in nurturing a universal bond with nature through this ancient practice.

Welcome to the Family of Treemers!

Unifying Souls Through the Art of Forest Bathing

Treeming.org is a sanctuary for nature lovers and seekers of inner peace. Our members, affectionately known as “Treemers,” are individuals from all walks of life who share a common love for the forest and its healing powers. Together, we are on a grand mission: to teach and spread the ancient art of forest bathing across the globe. We believe in the transformative power of nature to heal, inspire, and unite, and we strive to create a worldwide community rooted in harmony with the Earth.

Founded in Switzerland
graduates worldwide
6700 +
Countries worldwide
25 +

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Your Guides at Treeming

Connecting You to the Heart of Nature

In our vast and ever-growing community of Treemers, we understand the importance of having dedicated guides to navigate your journey. Our three key contacts are the heart and soul behind the seamless organization of our online courses and the broader Treeming experience. Each of them brings a deep passion for nature and a commitment to supporting our members. They are your touchstones, always here to answer questions, offer guidance, and ensure you feel connected and supported. Whether you’re taking your first steps into the forest or deepening your practice, rest assured that there is always someone at Treeming ready to assist you on your path to enlightenment and harmony with nature.

Jorg Sprave

Online Forest Bathing Instructor from Mexico

Michael Brenson

Forest Bathing Instructor from Canada

Rachel Brenson

Forest Bathing Instructor from Canada

Sarah da Silva

Forest Bathing Instructor from Switzerland


Forest Bathing Instructor from United States

Matthew Rode

Our Tech Guy

Claudio Hoffmann

E-Mail Support Team
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